How did this piece of dogshit become the biggest film of the year? I hope the screenplay helps people realize that this is a cliched, overblown, totally conventional, black-and-white/good-and-evil/flag-on-the-door/God-and-country, nationalistic work of garbage, since its only redeeming qualities were the visuals. It is a totally inept, utterly childish look at warfare, with every other scene an excuse to show somebody's guts being blown out, so that unfortunate soldier can deliver another "heartfelt", "tear-jerking" monologue. If this film had been recognized as the crap it is, I wouldn't sound so angry, but things didn't exactly turn out as planned - so, basically, FUCK!!!
Steven Spielberg is my favorite director and i believe he and Robert Rodat made a great film. I love World War II films and "Saving Private Ryan" is as close to reality of war as it gets.
That is, where's the final script? Does no one on the 'net have the production draft available? Everyone's got this same early draft typed up by the same guy. Crimony.
Yo, Mr. bbdodds, cool down man don't pretend to be this bad ass man and write that way about a movie. You use this to show how tough are you, isn't that right. but why don't you show your face and blab everything that bothers you infront of someone that can make you come into argue. You are just afraid and use this place to hide your lack of courage.
Hey, e-mail me sometime and we can argue real things.
Instead of simply stating that I think this is one of the greatest movies of all time, I will explain as well. From the opening sequence until everyone left the theater, this movie had me captivated and sitting on the edge of my seat. Calling it "tear-jerking" no more mocks it than commends it. If you didn't feel some sense of remorse and anguish for the fighting men and women that died and lost loved ones during World War II represented in this film, then your comments should be directed toward your soul and not the movie. Visually, Steven Speilberg brought the audience onto the battlefield. The sights and the sounds in the Omaha Beach scene were the closest depictions of war ever recreated on film. The characters were believable and the audience was able to form a connection with each one of them. There were no trite catch phrases or unhuman heroism. As violent as some scenes became, the violence was not unrealistic or Hollywoodized. The film not only focused on the fighting men, but also the damage that was left back home. I could go on and on, but I'm not going to. Watch the movie again and really examine it.
when i saw saving private rayan by chance ,i was going to have my super, but from the first shot i was freezed, i barely could eat because of the pulled in shots. i am interesting in the world war 2 movies,although i didn't like all spielberg's movies, all what i could say now is this movie one of sbielberg's .. a good drama about the war and how bad it is in all times. here is a good stuff not dirty sex and porno trash and other nonsense.
it is my turn to say to bbdodds ( If you didn't feel some sense of remorse and anguish for the fighting men and women that died and lost loved ones during World War II represented in this film, then your comments should be directed toward your soul and not the movie.)
Living in a vacuum must be tough bbdodds. Open your history books and re-read the sacrafices made on your behalf. Sixty years ago, it was black and white. The movie give you a glimpse of what it was like to be there. If it makes you uncomfortable to watch, think about how uncomfortable it was to really be there.
I hate the screeplay's format, too. Maybe some adjusting, site Mod?
I like the film, but I thought the frame story is unnecessary. It's the most clich?d and sentimental thing in the film for me (the oh-so-beautiful family in the background, the flag etc.). I think the film would have been stronger without the frame story and with a rewritten ending, emphasising less the "earn this" theme. But as I said, I really like the film. It's one of the best war films, IMHO - and very different from classics such as Apocalypse Now, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket etc. And having played MOHAA, the opening scene makes you go: "Hey! I've been there!" :o)
bbdodds is full of shit
by: Shaving Ryans Privates ()
Comment No. 17 09-Nov-2004, 22:40 GMT
Yep, everyone has their opinion, so heres mine. First of all, how can this movie be cliched when it completely sets itself apart from other war movies for its ingenius originality? Black-and-white? Good-and-evil? God-and-country? No shit sherlock, this is WWII were talking about, thats the way it was. Every other scene showed someone with their guts being blown out because THATS WHAT HAPPENED. This movie brilliantly conveys the animosity of WWII, and the plot is an ingenius metaphor for the futility of war. My grandpa served in WWII as a medic, and some of the stories he told me were frighteningly close to the ones depicted in this movie. I thought that anyone who truly understood this movie would have a new found respect for the people involved in WWII. But things dont exactly turn out as planned- so, basically, FUCK YOU!!!
i had to do a piece of coursework based on saving private ryan as a media project for yr 11 and i found it so easy to right about beacuse everything about it was real and true and unique. What other war film is the same as saving private ryan???? I enjoyed this film...probably why I got an A+ in it. Yay!
to whatever asshole wrote the comment at the top of this page, all i have to say is go fuck yourself and your sister you dick. Now that that is out of my system, I saw this when i was in seventh grade, and the images from the first 30 minutes stuck in me for a LONG time. It is still hard to watch that opening scene on "Bloody" Omaha Beach. I saw a website once that had the transcriptions of the final script, so if anyone knows what that site is, e-mail me ASAFP, because the early draft by Rob Rodat kinda blew nuts, like the shithead who made the smart ass coment at the top of this page (Lord, please forgive me for the comments I have made, Amen).
I can't believe how this script has gotten around the internet...
I typed it up.. YEARS AND YEARS ago. I released it on the net before the movie actually hit the theatres, if I remember correctly. I figured it would die out after a while, but it's still kickin'.
Now.. what's wrong with the formatting? Looks pretty ok to me.
You want to "dis" a movie. That's fine. But, in this case, you show your ignorance and lack of experience. This film's sequences are the most realistic battle scenes ever put onto film, aside from true documentary footage. The depiction of the horror and hopelessness of war are dead-spot-on. Spielberg definitely deserved the Academy Award for this one.
How would I know? I was on boat 224-B on June 6th, 1944 at 6:30 with other fellows in the 16th regiment 1st division and we landed at Omaha Beach. 7 of 30 men from my boat actually made it to the sand and only 4 of us lived to see the invasion succeed. I was 19 years old.
I could not watch this film without reliving that great and terrible day again. Neither could my best friend, who was right beside me in that boat.
Thank you Steven Spielberg for giving us such a true and accurate depiction of the horror and reality of war.
look guys help me out the guy that kills Mellish is he the same guy who shoots Miller and was told to take a thousand paces from the time Wade was killed
What a Crappy Screenplay
by: Robert Rodat Can\'t Write
Comment No. 28 13-Nov-2006, 13:45 GMT
maso, you are incorrect. The German soldier who kills Mellish near the end of the movie isn't the same soldier (Steamboat Willie) who is captured by the men when they attacked the MG42. This is a common mistake people make. If you watch the movie again and look closely, it's not the same person. By the way, was I the only one who thought this screenplay was absolute crap? The film that came from this script was amazing, COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM THE ORIGINAL SCRIPT! Thank God! I can't believe someone high up in Hollywood would read this (especially if this was the format it was in) and say, "Yes, let's make this crappy story into a big movie directed by Spielberg and acted by Hanks" Obviously the purchased the idea and not the story, because it's completely different in the movie.
The movie was really sad and tensed to watch because of the dying of many people.I like this kind of movies and i must say that Steven Spielberg has done a great job.
Listen M8. Have you seen war? You know what its like? If you havent, then its no use insulting the gore because if you step into the action thats exactly what you get and theres no denying it. so get your facts right
David Pritchett should not try to type a script
by: Tim ()
Comment No. 35 21-Feb-2008, 20:07 GMT
This is a seminal film in the American archive. If you didn't like it, I can't figure out why. I knew a few people from WWII, some of whom were at Normandy. They find no fault with the film.
As for the transcription? When I get home from work, I intend to write to David Prichett and tell him never to transcribe a script again until he learns proper format. I could not read this crappy transcription.
Saving Private Ryan is one of the greatest films every made and is my personal favorite. Its realism is simply amazing.
For bbdodds: of course this movie is about good and evil, WW2 was the last war when there was this distinct difference between sides and, while I would not necessarily call the Germans 'evil'(for there were only a few who would actually meet the requirements), they are clearly what one would define as the 'bad guys.' And, yeah, it is God and country. America was attacked and these men and women were doing what they could to defend it from others. They felt a sense of duty. Do you know nothing? Fine, hate the film for all I care but do not insult the men and women who fought. A lot of guys did die with their guts blown out, crying out for family. To call that crap is an insult to veterans everywhere and heartless.
If you watch the movie again and look closely, it's not the same person. By the way, was I the only one who thought this screenplay was absolute crap? The film that came from this script was amazing, COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM THE ORIGINAL SCRIPT! Thank God! I can't believe someone high up in Hollywood would read this (especially if this was the format it was in) and say, "Yes, let's make this crappy story into a big movie directed by Spielberg and acted by Hanks" Obviously the purchased the idea and not the story, because it's completely different in the movie.
great for many reasons
by: poptarts and lost reruns
Comment No. 38 06-Nov-2010, 05:04 GMT
i'm obsessed with steven spielberg movies, i'm obsessed with ww2, i'm obsessed with tom hanks movies, and upham was faraday from lost. This film took the pure essence of war, from the horrors to the glories, and splattered it on the big screen. I loved it, and that's that
How did this piece of dogshit become the biggest film of the year? I hope the screenplay helps people realize that this is a cliched, overblown, totally conventional, black-and-white/good-and-evil/flag-on-the-door/God-and-country, nationalistic work of garbage, since its only redeeming qualities were the visuals. It is a totally inept, utterly childish look at warfare, with every other scene an excuse to show somebody's guts being blown out, so that unfortunate soldier can deliver another "heartfelt", "tear-jerking" monologue. If this film had been recognized as the crap it is, I wouldn't sound so angry, but things didn't exactly turn out as planned - so, basically, FUCK!!!
are you seriously that ungrateful??? like what is up with you? those soldiers died for your life!!! just like Jesus Christ did and if you don't accept him then im sorry my friend you will burn in hell for eternity which means it wont stop and thats the truth of it so i suggest you stop criticising those who died for you and go pick up a bible and wash out your filthy mouth!