TROOPS SCRIPT Below you will find the original script of TROOPS © 1997 Kevin Rubio. Also be sure to check out the production journal entries of Marilyn Estes, Script Supervisor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TROOPS WRITTEN BY KEVIN RUBIO FADE IN: Rapid cuts of Imperial Stormtroopers in and around Mos Eisley flash across the screen. The COPS, theme song "Bad Boys", plays as familiar credit crawl appears on screen. CREDIT CRAWL: TROOPS IS FILMED ON LOCATION WITH THE MEN OF THE IMPERIAL FORCES. ALL SUSPECTS ARE GUILTY. PERIOD! OTHERWISE THEY WOULDN’T BE SUSPECTS, WOULD THEY? . . . . EXT. TATOOINE DESERT - DAY A Storm trooper sits astride a DEWBACK. Imperial transports can be seen lifting off in the background as he starts his patrol. SUPER: TATOOINE, DUNE SEA 08:00 IST CAPT. JYANIX BAUCH JYANIX (to camera) I joined the empire about six years ago. I can remember as a kid watching the holographic images and being excited about the new direction the galaxy was taking. So when I was old enough I went down to the local recruitment cent and signed up, and I’ve been here at Tatooine ever since. He gives the Dewback a good kick. The animal quickens its pace. JYANIX (still to camera) Most people would call this the ass end of space, but I like the small town feeling you get around here. I mean, we know everybody. EVERYBODY! And I feel I can really make a difference here. EXT. TATOOINE DESERT - DAY Captain Bauch approaches several JAWAS heading towards a SANDCRAWLER with a DROID. Bauch is joined by to other STORMTOOPERS. JYANIX We’ve got a routine stop here. We have a report of some stolen droids and we think these might be it. The camera follows Bauch as he leaves his mount and joins the other Troopers. JYANIX Excuses Me. You wanna come over here, please. The Jawas look surprised. JYANIX Yes, I’m talking to you two. The Jawas sheepishly walk over to the troopers. JYANIX Whose droid is this? The Jawas answer in their native tongue. JYANIX Oh, it’s your cousins’. Is this your cousin? Jyanix turns to the other Jawa #2. JYANIX Are you his cousin. No. Then who are you? The Jawa #2 says something. JYANIX Oh, you’re his friend. Well Mr.Friend would you step over there for a moment please. Jyanix turns his attention to the first Jawa. The other Troopers move closer to the second one. JYANIX (holding back laughter) Ok, so the droid belongs to your cousin. If I go over to that sandcrwaler over there and ask to see your cousin, is he gonna have a Bill of Sales for this. Jawa #1 answers. JYANIX Ok. Well what I’m gonna do now sir, is place you under Imperial arrest. So it can only help your situation if you tell me the truth. Jawa #2 moves in to protest. The other troopers quickly draw their guns on him. JYANIX (to Jawa#2) Hey! Am I talking to you? (Pause) AM I TALKING TO YOU?!! Then stay over there and shut your mouth! Now if you move again I’m gonna shoot you. Jawa #1 starts pleading with Capt. Jyanix. JYANIX No. Yes, I understand. I’ve got a wife and kids too, but you don’t see me out here stealing imperial droids, do you? (Pause) Sure you’ll never do it again. STORMTOOPER #1 (yelling) He’s making a run for it!! Camera swished around to see Jawa #2 running across the sand. The two other troopers chase after him, then finally raise their guns and shoot him down. The first Jawa, now fearing for his life makes a run in the other direction. The camera follows Jyanix as he shoots the Jawa in the back. EXT. TATOOINE DESERT - DAY Captain Jyanix faces the camera as the two other Troopers carry away the Jawas. In the background you can see that the sandcrawler that the Jawas were headed to in now on fire. JYANIX Well, what we had here was that these Jawas had stolen some Imperial property and it unfortunately turned violent. These Jawas do this kind of stuff all the time-picking up stay droids and selling them to the highest paying customer. Another Trooper chimes in. The camera focuses in on him. TROOPER #1 We didn’t find the droids we were looking for. But, we did find one that a kid had reported stolen. So he and his parents are gonna come down to the detention center and pick it up. JYANIX Boy, I’ll bet they’ll be happy. TROOPER #1 Yup. That’s what it’s all about. FADE OUT. PART II FADE IN: SUPER: TATOOINE, LARS FARM 14:35 IST DOMESTIC DISPUTE EXT. MOISTURE FARM - DAY Several Storm troopers descend on upon a moisture farm. VAPORATORS, several DEWBACKS, and a TROOP TRANSPORT, dot the landscape. The camera follows a Trooper, OFFICER MOTT, as he dismounts and heads towards what appears to be a main dwelling. SUPER: OFFICER DAEMOND MOTT DAEMOND (to camera) We’ve got a call to check out this domestic dispute. Supposedly the husband said something to their kid and now the wife thinks that he’s run off... (trailing off) Supposedly one of them’s intoxicated and one of them’s injured. Daemond gives several hand signals to the other Troopers and they disperse-placing themselves in a wide circle around the farm. DAEMOND We’re familiar with this couple. This is not the first time we’ve been out here, so we’re going to see if we can straighten this whole thing out. Daemond, approaches the arguing couple, OWEN and BARUE LARS. Barue, hurries over to Mott-MOSAIC DISTORTION CIRCLE hides her face. DAMOND What’s the problem Barue? BARUE (holding back tears) I’ve just had it. I’VE HAD IT WITH HIM!! He keeps lying to Luke, and me and now Luke’s run off, and he hasn’t come back, and- OWEN Oh, now that’s just re- DAEMOND Hey, I’ll talk to you in a second. Right now I’m talking to your wife. Ok? OWEN Ok. Ok. Barue leans in over Daemond’s shoulder. BARUE (screaming) And Luke’s probably dead now cause of you!! OWEN Oh that’s just bullsh--! DAEMOND and two other Troopers separate the Lars before they can get at each other. DAEMOND NOW BARUE JUST CALM DOWN! Calm down. Do you want to be arrested? BARUE No. DAEMOND Well now, if you keep this up that’s just what I’m gonna haveta do. And you don’t want that, do you? BARUE No. DAEMOND Ok, then. Are you gonna calm down? BARUE Yes. DAEMOND Good. Why don’t you start over. BARUE (rambling) Well yesterday Luke, comes in and says, I think those droid- DAEMOND Now is Luke, your boy. BARUE Nephew. So anyway he says, I think those droids we bought might be stolen. And then HE!- She points to Owen. He looks like he’s going to protest but stops short when the Troopers raise their guns. BARUE Then he says, well I don’t care. Your only concern is to get them working. And then Luke is like, I want to go to the academy this year. And he says well I still need you for the harvest. And then he starts in about Obi-Wan and his father and- OWEN Oh, I did not!! Daemond raises his gun to Owen. Owen shuts up. BARUE Yes you did! Yes you DID! You’re just lying to him You’re always lying to him!! You never tell him the truth about him or his SISTER!! OWEN (gritting his teeth) Will you just shut up! BARUE No, you shut up! I’m tired of shutting up! DAEMOND You can both shut up, or spend a night in the detention area! Both Barue and Owen, stop yelling. Daemond turns his attention back to Barue, The other Troopers give the impression that they’ve seen this argument one to many times. DAEMOND So what do you want to do now, Barue? BARUE I don’t know. DAEMOND Do you want us to take you some where so you can get help. BARUE I don’t know. DAEMOND What do you mean you don’t know. You’ve obviously have a problem otherwise- BARUE I don’t have a problem. DAEMON Barue, come here. Do you see his ear, how it’s cut? It didn’t get that way by itself did it? BARUE No. DAEMOND And you did that didn’t you. Barue shakes her head sheepishly in agreement with Daemond. DAEMOND Yes you did. Now see that tells me you have a problem. And when we get called in then it becomes our problem. And- BARUE But he was the one wh- DAEMOND (calming her down) Now wait a second, I’m talking. I listened to you, now you listen to me. That’s how this works. Ok? Are you going to listen to me? Barue shakes her head again. DAEMOND Now how many times have we been out here? A lot hun? And what did I tell you last time? BARUE I don’t know. DAEMOND You don’t know, or you don’t remember? Barue mumbles something unintelligible. DAEMOND Barue. What do you want to do? BARUE I want you to arrest him! DAEMOND I can’t arrest him. He hasn’t done anything. If there’s anybody I should be arresting, it should be you for assault. Daemond raises his hands in defeat. DAEMOND Barue you have two choices here. You can stay here, or we can take you to an Imperial Shelter. What do you want to do? Barue shifts from side to side - confused. DAEMOND Barue? What do you want to do? Do you want us to take you somewhere tonight? BARUE Yes. DAEMOND Ok. Do you need to get anything? Some clothes, or something? BARUE Yes. And you’ll find Luke won’t you? DAEMOND Yes will find Luke. OWEN (quickly) Oh, Luke is fine, he’s just out working! DAEMOND Hey, just let it go. Barue heads back to the house; escorted by two Storm troopers. Daemond makes his way over to Owen. OWEN Look, she’s been under a lot of stress lately. We just lost two more hired hands and we just got a little out of hand. DAEMOND I know. I know. But right now I think the best thing for both of you is to get some distance from each other for a couple of days. OWEN I mean I’ve been telling her to get some help for a long time now. DAEMOND Well, this is probably the best thing for her right now. You should really have someone look at that ear. OWEN I’ll be fine. Camera swish pans to catch Barue arguing with several of the Troopers. They are trying to help here with her bags. BARUE (yelling) Let go. I said LET GO!! DAEMOND Barue. If you- STORMTOOPER Look out!! She’s got a thermal detonator! The Troopers scramble to avoid the blast Daemond raises his rifle to try and knock the detonator out of Barue’s hand. As he does, Owen, tries to stop him. Another Stormtooper opens fire Owen, dropping him like a brick as the detonator simultaneously blows up in Barue’s hands, charring both of them to a crisp. EXT. LARS FARM - DAY The now familiar "burning farm scene" fills the screen. Uncle Owen and Aunt Barue, lay in the positions we remember Luke finding them in from the first film. Daemond and the other Troopers are busy packing things up. DAEMOND (to camera) Well, things got a bit nasty here. It’s unfortunate, but it was almost expected with these people. You know, the farmers out here are having a bad season, tempers are high, and it’s just bad for everyone. Daemond mounts his Dewback. DAEMOND The important thing now is that we find their nephew and make sure he’s ok. STORM TROOPER Did she say that they’d just bought some stolen droids? Camera follows Daemond and the other Troopers as they ride away. DAEMOND Damn shame. Damn shame.... FADE OUT. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- All TROOPS material is the property of Kevin Rubio © 1997. Shown with special permission on!